True or False? Busting Common RV Myths

Whether you’re a full-time RVer or you’re shopping for your first motorhome, chances are, you’ve bought into a few of the common myths floating around the RV world. Before you make your first purchase or consider selling your home, make sure you know exactly what to expect. If you have any hesitations about RVing, debunking the following myths may help you make your decision.

RVing is mostly for retirees

False. Sure, older generations may have more time and flexibility to travel in a motorhome; but the reality is that there are younger age groups out on the road, too. Many young families value the perks of RV travel, giving them the freedom to visit distant family and plan inexpensive vacations. You may find that millennials are just as keen on RVing as their older counterparts.

Motorhomes aren’t fuel-efficient

False-ish. Sure, when compared to the average vehicle, the gas mileage of an RV isn’t that impressive. On the other hand, modern motorhomes are much more fuel-efficient than they used to be. Manufacturers have made leaps and strides over the years to improve gas mileage, and some models are much more fuel-efficient than others. If you’re looking to save on gas, try a Class B camper van, or a Class C RV.

RVing allows you to save money on travel

True! When you plan a typical family vacation, you have to account for airfare, hotels, dining out, and sometimes car rentals. Having an RV allows you to basically pack up and take your home with you anywhere. You can cook your own meals, and even save money on parking your RV by taking a boondocking approach in the wilderness or on a beach. The beauty of owning an RV is that you can mold your trip to fit any budget.

You have a truck, so you can tow an RV

False. Not just any truck can handle the weight of an RV. Every truck has a different tow rating that will tell you how much weight it can pull, and RV owners should strictly abide by it. If you try to pull any more than the tow rating allows, you’re putting yourself and other passengers at risk of danger.

“Arctic” or “Polar” Packages can take on freezing temps

False. You may have seen a “Polar Package” or “Arctic Package” sticker on your RV, meaning that the camper has added insulation for colder weather. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that you can camp out in arctic temperatures as much as you’d like. Sure, the added insulation will allow you to add a month or two to your camping season; however, RVs simply aren’t designed to last in freezing or even sub-freezing temperatures continuously.

You have to park it in storage every year

True. As clarified in the last myth, RVs aren’t designed to handle continuous exposure in harsh conditions. Cold temperatures and moisture can contribute to serious damage to your RV, so invest in proper storage – it’ll pay off in the long run.

Still have questions? Then head over to Patterson RV in Wichita Falls, TX to chat with a salesperson. While you’re there, you can browse our excellent inventory of new and used RVs to find the perfect one for your lifestyle!

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